Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Convention 2010

These are all the ladies from Recruit Crew that were winners of the Breakfast with Shelli. Thanks ladies for making the morning fun, visiting and sharing with all of you. I hope we keep in touch. Good luck in your businesses.

Of course, Shelli and Sterling the first night of the Flower Power Party! I think Shelli could be cute in anything she wears! Dont you? and ps, Becky and I did NOT dress up for the party, but it was fun watching all of the demonstrators and staff have a good time.

And Becky, or you know her as BFF. We visited the home office in Riverton.

Nice Hair!!!??? The wind was something else, but these 4 can have fun no matter what. These gals are from Boise, Jacque and Denise, I was their entertainment. Thanks BFF for sharing your friends with me! We did have fun....more to share on these 2 coming up...check back!


  1. What do you mean more to share on these 2 coming up?
    We are perfect, as you know!

  2. I'm so glad you all had a great time !! Missed you guys !!!

    Hopefully I'll see ya at Leadership :) !!

  3. I did not dress up either, but some of the people there had on incredible outfits! It was a blast.
