Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh more Leadership fun!!!

 Oh I love getting my picture taken....NOT!!!!! I LOVE being on the other side of the camera!

 Becky and I in a posed moment!

 Di Gibbs and her BFF Tracy!  Love you girls!!!!! Miss you already!

When you travel with BECKY ROBERTS you get use to being stopped cause everyone wants to say hi and tell her who they are....ya ya ya...after being stopped a 100 times a day,  I just said ya I know, you want me to take your picture.  So this gal said I could be in the photo and she would just explain she didn't know who I was.....but she was getting HER picture taken with THE BECKY ROBERTS!!! Glad Becky handles it well....


  1. That's why we're friends now - so we have each other while Becky schmoozes with her fans! Love ya!

  2. LOL.. i was going to say the same thing..!! if i liked being on the other side of the camera i'd be all over the chance to have my photo taken with you..!!

    yous theee best..!

    hugs.. : )

  3. I love you and miss you too, can hardly wait for our double date day!

  4. Oh My Land!!! Kim!!It was a Joy and a Blast getting to know you better and hanging out with you and Becky at Leadership! Part of why it was THEE BEST Leadership Event to date!!
    And dang Girlfriend you have taken an Awesome picture of Diana and myself. I HATE my picture taken but totally appprove this one! Thanks for the airbrushing!! He He!!
    Big Hugs, Tracy Altemose

  5. Aww if I was there I'd want your picture too. I check your blog and Becky's blog right after each other. Your blog is awesome too. I can't believe the ladies don't know who you are!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You're all so kind!! Thanks for sharing!
